The Platzreife (course allowance) is proof that you are able to play on a golf course without damaging it and unduly hindering other flights (groups of players). It also includes knowledge of the most important golf rules and etiquette (rules of conduct on the golf course). After acquiring the PR (CA), you may play on almost any golf course. It corresponds to a handicap of 54.
Our offer for beginners:
Introduction to the basics of playing golf, setting up a round, and perfecting your swing. Explanation, demonstration and auditing of the most important rules and etiquette related questions. During the remainder of the class you may use the entire course and everything it has to offer for free.
Fee per person:
If the class consist of 2 people the fee increases to 299,00 Euro p.p.
Individual dates available to book at any time (group must consist of at least 2 people)!
Thursday 11.04., 18.04., 25.04., 02.05. each 18:30hrs - 20:00hrs
Saturday 13.04., 20.04., 27.04. each 11:30hrs - 13:00hrs
Offer #2 - Obtain your permit in just 4 Days! (Ascencion Day/Christi Himmelfahrt)
Thursday 09.05. 11:00hrs - 12:30hrs -lunch break- 14:00hrs - 15:30hrs
Friday 10.05. 11:00hrs - 12:30hrs -lunch break- 14:00hrs - 15:30hrs
Saturday11.05. 11:00hrs - 12:30hrs -lunch break- 16:00 - 17:30hrs
Sunday 12.05. 11:00hrs - 13:30hrs
Offer #3 - Obtain your permit in just 4 Days! (Pentecost/Pfingsten)
Friday 17.05. 11:00hrs - 12:30hrs -lunch break- 14:00hrs - 15:30hrs
Saturday 18.05. 09:00hrs - 12:00hrs
Sunday 19.05. 09:00hrs - 12:00hrs
Monday 20.05. 11:00hrs - 13:30hrs
Alternatively we can offer 18.05.-21.05.2024!
Offer #4 - Obtain your permit in just 4 Days! (Corpus Christi Day/Fronleichnam)
Thursday 30.05. 11:00hrs - 12:30hrs -lunch break- 14:00hrs - 15:30hrs
Friday 31.05. 11:00hrs - 12:30hrs -lunch break- 14:00hrs - 15:30hrs
Saturday 01.06. 10:00hrs - 12:30hrs -lunch break- 16:00hrs - 17:30hrs
Sunday 02.06. 11:00hrs - 13:30hrs
Offer #5
Tuesday 07.05., 14.05, 21.05., 28.05., 04.06.. 11.06., 18.06. each 18:30hrs - 20:00hrs
Offer #6
Thursday 27.06., 04.07., 11.07., 18.07. each 18:30hrs - 20:00hrs
Saturday 29.06., 06.07., 13.07. each 11:30hrs - 13:00hrs
Class #7
Thursday 06.08., 13.08., 20.08., 27.08. each 18:30hrs - 20:00hrs
Saturday 10.08., 17.08., 24.08. each 12:00hrs - 13:30hrs
Class #8
Friday 06.09., 13.09., 20.09., 27.09. each 17:00 - 18:30 Uhr
Saturday 07.09., 14.09., 21.09. each 12:00hrs - 13:30hrs
Additional dates available upon request. Please get in touch with Anthony Brooks 0172-603748